Jake Goates on Managing Leads Matters More Than Generating Them

As I record this, medical and dental practices nationwide are screwing up new patient leads they’ve paid good money to generate. Are you one of them? If you suspect it even just a little bit, then listen to what my guest today has to say about what to do about it.

Since 2003, Jake Goates has given group seminars and training on sales and marketing. He is a Key Opinion Leader for various dental marketing companies. Since 2013, Jake has personally consulted more than 5,600 dentists nationwide on their marketing strategies and sales skills to reduce unnecessary spend while increasing collections. Jake founded GOAT Dental Marketing Consultants in early 2023, providing marketing strategy and sales coaching for dental offices across the country. Jake, with his wife and two daughters, enjoy living and playing in the mountains of Northern Utah.

In this episode Carl White and Jake Goates discuss:

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