Jamie Spann the daughter of a maxillofacial surgeon who spent his entire career in private practice. She has seen first hand the struggles he went through on the business side of his practice. Jamie started Business Savvy Physician to educate and work with private practices like his. We specialize in starting a private practice, increasing revenue, recruiting staff, and online presence and reputation management.


In this episode Carl White and Jamie Spann discuss:

  • To generate more revenue from your current patients, make sure the products or services you offer are relevant to your patients.
  • Look at where you refer patients after they leave you. Could you offer what that referral source offers instead?
  • Look at your insurance contracts. You may be able to negotiate a higher rate and get paid faster.


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Connect with Jamie Spann



Connect with Carl White

Website: http://www.marketvisorygroup.com

Email:  whitec@marketvisorygroup.com

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/marketvisorygroup

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD9BLCu_i2ezBj1ktUHVmig

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/healthcaremktg