Bridgette Hannigan is Self Pay Medical practice owner who works with the uninsured local hispanic population in Atlanta. One practice offers ultrasound and the other offers primary care. Both practices count larger hospitals and health systems as their competitors. Bridgette finds unique ways to connect intimately with her community in ways that those competitors either can’t do, don’t do well, or don’t do at all. Not only are Bridgette’s practices surviving, but they’re expanding and thriving.


In this episode Carl White and Bridgette Hannigan discuss:

  • Why private practices can market better locally than big hospitals can
  • Marketing ideas that work and why
  • Marketing ideas that don’t work and why


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Episode Sponsorship

This episode is sponsored by Dr. Joe Sherman. Joe is a certified physician professional development coach, public speaker, and group facilitator. Joe owns and runs his own coaching agency, Joe Sherman MD LLC. Joe focuses on helping physicians turn burnout into career fulfillment and rediscover joy in their lives. Joe has been in medical practice as a pediatrician for over 35 years, and after struggling with burnout himself, is now passionate about helping others find joy and fulfillment in their careers.  Joe works with physicians both 1 on 1 and in group settings. Whether you’re burned out already or feel like you deserve more from your work, you owe it to yourself to talk with a fellow physician like Joe who’s trained to help. You can find out more about Joe and his services.


You can find Joe Sherman’s episode here.


Joe’s contact information:


Affiliate Promotion

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  • Very easy to use
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Connect with Bridgette Hannigan

Instagram: @Bridgetehannigan


Connect with Carl White




