About half of all student loan debt is at the graduate level, but you never hear anyone talk about it. My guest today does. He helps graduating dentists get their arms around, and build a plan to pay back, their student debt. His advice is useful for anyone with student debt.
Mark D. Johnson serves as a wealth advisor with RBF Wealth Advisors. Mark helps families, retirees, healthcare professionals, business owners, and corporate executives plan for success across all aspects of their financial life. Mark is also the founder of StudentLoansRx which helps emerging healthcare professionals create plans to address their student loan debt in the most cost-effective manner based on their career and other financial goals which may include practice ownership. He’s been interviewed on numerous dentist podcasts, including The Dentalpreneur Podcast, Dental Student Vibes, Dentistry Uncensored, Financial Flossing, and many others.
In this episode Carl White and Mark Johnson discuss:
- Programs and options that are available, and how to tell them apart
- The best time to plan to pay back student loan debt
- Important elements to consider in a loan repayment strategy
- Biggest planning mistakes to avoid when repaying loans
Episode Sponsorship
This episode is sponsored by Cerebral Tax Advisors, a tax firm trusted by physicians all over the country and specialized in court-tested and IRS-approved strategies. Medical professionals rely on Cerebral Tax Advisors for proactive tax planning strategies, helping them lower their effective tax rate and increase their wealth. Alexis Gallati, founder of Cerebral Tax Advisors, has over two decades of experience in high-level tax planning strategies and multi-state tax preparation. She’s also the author of the book “Advanced Tax Planning for Medical Professionals”. Alexis grew up in a family of physicians and is married to one, so she knows firsthand the financial challenges doctors face. Cerebral’s services are flat-rate and they are focused on their client’s return on investment. If you’d like to find out more or schedule a free consultation, visit their website at http://www.cerebraltaxadvisors.com.
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Connect with Mark Johnson
Connect with Carl White
Website: http://www.marketvisorygroup.com
Email: whitec@marketvisorygroup.com
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