When outsourcing a service, you should think about your choice of vendor with the same rigor as hiring a new employee. If that sounds reasonable, then why do so many practice owners rush the decision? Thomas Maher with Practice First has some ideas, and more importantly, good advice on how to choose vendors well, and he shared those ideas on PracticeCare


Thomas Maher has been a CPA in New York State for the past 37 years. He bought Practice First 28 years ago and has since grown its sales tenfold. Practice First specializes in revenue cycle management for physicians and laboratories, mainly in Northeast and California. Their main product lines are billing, coding, A/R, follow-up projects, and credentialing and enrollment.


In this episode Carl White and Thomas Maher discuss:

  • A good process for choosing a vendor
  • Steps to go through before signing a contract with a vendor
  • How to monitor a vendor’s performance


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Connect with Thomas Maher

http://www.pracfirst.com (videos, a podcast, a blog, and other educational materials available)



Connect with Carl White

Website: http://www.marketvisorygroup.com

Email:  whitec@marketvisorygroup.com

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/marketvisorygroup

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD9BLCu_i2ezBj1ktUHVmig

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/healthcaremktg