Henry Ford said, “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re probably right.” Jamey Schrier with Practice Freedom U rephrases that to “mindset is money”, and he shares what that means on this episode of PracticeCare.
Dr. Jamey Schrier, PT is a best-selling author, speaker and CEO of Practice Freedom U, a business training and coaching company designed for physical therapists. Jamey is a former private practice owner and his book, The Practice Freedom Method has helped scores of practitioners treat less, earn more, and enjoy the life they deserve. Soon after he sold his practice, he began teaching other practice owners and their teams his proven business building methodology to help them create successful private practices. Jamey has helped hundreds of private practice owners successfully grow their business achieving financial prosperity and freedom, and is on a mission to help hundreds, if not thousands more.
In this episode Carl White and Jamey Schrier discuss:
- When Jamey first realized that mindset is money
- Some examples of limiting beliefs he comes across with clients when he starts working with them
- How anyone can start to turn the corner on their own limiting beliefs
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Connect with Jamey Schrier
Practice quiz: https://bit.ly/PFUPTPracticeQuiz
Calendly: https://bit.ly/DiscoveryCallwithJamey
LinkedIn @jameyschrier
FB @jameyschrier
IG @jameyschrierpfu
Youtube @practicefreedomu
Connect with Carl White
Website: http://www.marketvisorygroup.com
Email: whitec@marketvisorygroup.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marketvisorygroup
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD9BLCu_i2ezBj1ktUHVmig