Captain obvious alert – your insurance policies don’t cover all possible scenarios you might face in practice. What do you do? Wing it or save for it? There’s a section of the tax code that helps you save in a tax advantaged way. The problem is that nobody seems to know about it. My guest today does and he’s going to shed some light on it for us.
As Founder & CEO of SRA 831(b), Van is an innovator, developing products for a variety of industries that can take advantage of adding additional revenues while mitigating risk at the same time. By delivering institutional-type ideas to small-and-mid-sized business owners, SRA positions its clients at the forefront of their industry, allowing them to weather any storm.
In this episode Carl White and Van Carlson discuss:
- What section 831 (b) of the tax code is
- How section 831 (b) can help practices in healthcare
- What types of practice are good fits for section 831 (b)
- Why nobody seems to know about section 831 (b)
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Connect with Van Carlson
Connect with Carl White
Website: http://www.marketvisorygroup.com
Email: whitec@marketvisorygroup.com
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